What is Reiki?

Reiki Healing

Life force Reiki energy administered in a Reiki session

Reiki (pronounced "Ray Kee") is a gentle yet powerful relaxation and stress reduction technique that promotes the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Reiki addresses immediate health concerns and works to heal root causes.

This Japanese modality is increasingly used in hospitals and clinics as a complement to Western medical care.

Reiki requires no specific beliefs, can do no harm, and benefits individuals of any age. Anyone can learn and use Reiki to improve their health and well-being.

Reiki is based on the idea that Life Force Energy, or "ki" in Japanese, flows through pathways in and around the body. Stressors and traumatic events can disrupt the body’s natural flow of energy, especially if left untreated for a long time.

Yellow Rose in full bloom in a beautiful garden

When energy becomes blocked, it may lead to emotional, mental, and physical symptoms. Reiki aims to clear and align these energy pathways, restoring the body’s energy flow to a healthy state.

This process helps shift the body's nervous system from the fight/flight/freeze mode to the rest/digest/repair mode.

Reiki not only soothes the nervous system but also serves as a powerful catalyst for addressing symptoms and uncovering root causes.

Remarkably, Reiki does not require an understanding of the problem’s origins to be effective. It flows naturally to where it is needed, promoting overall well-being and balance.

Reiki Explained

Liz Kendall, Reiki Master

Answers to Common Questions

  • Reiki is not massage, and clients remain fully clothed during a session. If the client has no allergies or sensitivities, I often use essential oils during a Reiki treatment. The oil stays on my hands as I use the aroma for therapeutic purposes.

  • Reiki is totally safe because it is natural, healthy, and positive life force energy, which can never do harm. Reiki is safe for everyone, including: infants, children, teens, pregnant women, the elderly, sick people, or anyone in any condition, even plants and animals.

  • Reiki is a complement to traditional Western medical care and never a replacement. Reiki is not a cure for particular diseases or conditions. Medical patients who receive Reiki often claim that Reiki helps them to respond better to their treatments by lessening their pain and stress, and offering a brighter outlook on life. Reiki practitioners are not trained to prescribe supplements or substances.

  • You don't need to believe in anything to receive a Reiki treatment....and Reiki isn't religious. Furthermore, you don't require any special talents to learn Reiki. All it takes is a willing, open, and curious mind. The ability to channel Reiki never wears off, and you can build confidence and understanding of Reiki through practice.

  • Reiki practitioners are taught to channel refined and wholesome life force energy from its source. This refined energy is provided through a set of hand placements where the practitioner places their hands gently on or above the clothed body. 

  • Although everyones' sensations of Reiki energy differs, most people experience a feeling of deep relaxation. Other sensations also include: warmth, cold, feeling light or heavy, tingling, pressure, and seeing colours behind closed eyes. 

    The degree to which clients experience these sensations doesn't matter because every Reiki session is different. Also, since Reiki works on all levels and heals very deeply, it will work on things that we are often unaware of. Some people fall asleep, which is okay, because the Reiki will still flow to them.

  • Feelings include: a lightness of being, reduced pain, well-rested, more balanced, and less worried. Positive effects can last for days, weeks and even beyond. Clients can sometimes feel moody or have physical symptoms such as a headache or feel tired, indicating a healing reaction. Generally, this will resolve within a couple of days as they shift into a positive state of mind. If you do experience any discomfort, please remember this is actually a positive sign that your body is expelling toxins and healing deeply.

  • While there is no magic number for how many Reiki sessions you may need, most practitioners recommend three initial sessions close together to get your body back into balance. Scheduling regular sessions as part of your routine will help to support your balance and well-being. Please remember that it takes time for imbalances to occur and manifest, so that means that multiple sessions may be the most beneficial in reversing these imbalances.

  • Distant Reiki involves sending Reiki to someone over a distance, such as across the city, to another city, or to another part of the world. 

    Distant Reiki is equally effective as in person Reiki because energy knows no boundaries, and can bridge time and space. Many clients have reported feeling distant Reiki very deeply...as if the practitioner was in the room with them! 

    Distant Reiki is ideal for clients who live far away, have mobility or health issues that prevent them from traveling to an appointment, or for those who are simply curious about trying it. 

  • I currently teach Reiki in person. However, it is now possible, and equally as effective, to teach Reiki Certification classes online. 

    I will be holding online classes live in a group setting of up to 12 students soon! 

  • Not only can Reiki benefit anyone, it can also help those individuals who...

    • Have a stressful job

    • Get a poor sleep

    • Struggle with letting go of anger and resentment 

    • Struggle with anxiety and/or depression 

    • Have recurring pain, chronic illness, or autoimmune disease

    • Get sick often 

    • Receive cancer treatment or other medical / specialist care 

    • Are in a caregiving profession (nurses, massage therapists, care aids, caregivers, or caring for your elderly parents, and more)

    • Feel "off" but can't pinpoint the cause, and want to improve how they feel

    • Want to develop their creativity and intuition.

  • There are over 30 styles of Reiki in existence! I practice and teach Holy Fire® III Reiki. This style blends traditional Usui Reiki with an energy that is powerful yet gentle and comes from a higher level of consciousness. The word "holy" isn’t a religious reference, but refers to a sense of wholeness. 

    Some of the qualities of this style are: 

    • Encourages positive feelings such as: love of self and others, kindness, patience, confidence, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, joy, and peace

    • Produces a feeling of being loved. This is a deep and refined feeling that is very nurturing

    • Continuously develops positive energy within your energy field

    Students receive these qualities in Reiki Levels I and II. The qualities become more settled into students' lives with regular practice, and a willingness to let go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve them. With more practice, and continued Reiki education, these qualities are received more strongly in the intermediate and advanced Reiki levels.

Crystals, candles, and a flower at Catalyst Healing

Any more questions?



Reiki is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with regards to a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking any new health care program. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because you are working with me or because of something you read on my website. Trusting in any information appearing on my website or shared via discussion is solely at your own risk. Reiki is not regulated by any medical or mental health agency, and thus its effectiveness has not been evaluated by any governing body. It is up to you to decide if you would like to use Reiki energy healing to aid in your well being. Furthermore, Reiki should be used in addition to, and not a replacement for, any standardized medical or mental health care you may wish to pursue.

Reiki Blessings & best wishes as you take the next step on your healing journey!